速報APP / 娛樂 / Dance Rhythm

Dance Rhythm





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Dance Rhythm(圖1)-速報App

Dance is a wonderful form of expression, combining the body, mind, and spirit. Dance is for all ages. Even if you have never danced a step, it's never too late to try. You may just find yourself a rewarding new hobby which not only entertains but keeps you fit at the same time. DANCE is one of the most well-known ways to express emotion, whether that be anger, joy, sadness or pain, is through dance. People dance in order to celebrate, commemorate and/or they dance in order to prepare for some ritual. Dancing is entertaining. Its passion for some people as well as profession for some. Whether you can or you can not but you dance! everybody does. Whatever the reason, dance is an art form that is amazing to look at. Here we have listed some of the most popular dance styles performed all over the world. We are sure you will be familiar with some of the styles, but this list discusses some dances from different cultures that are probably new to you.

Dance Rhythm(圖2)-速報App

Dance Rhythm(圖3)-速報App

Dance Rhythm(圖4)-速報App

Dance Rhythm(圖5)-速報App

Dance Rhythm(圖6)-速報App